What type of business do you experience in what I am presenting?
The world's most environmentally friendly delivery model? - Pyramid game?
The latter then you don't know what it is, but listened to others who don't know!

Sweden's biggest pyramid scheme is ICA! The supreme boss sits like the rooster at the top of two pyramids. Purchases and sales.
The cleaner and the tomato picker can never make a fortune from their work!

Your friend bought from you, since you bought from me. Getting enthusiastic! Suddenly your friend earns many times against me. I also get a share of that sale, often so that I have to work with more than one, to get the full profit! You get a little more, under the same conditions! To get merit, a job must be done, like anything else!
That's the idea of MLM MultiLevelMarketing.

Your opportunity to make good profits!

The new thing is not to buy a position type store side (which cost a lot), but to become a member of a type of club a one-time fee for the market side, + a monthly fee. You invite friends to do the same. Then you can buy the products at much lower costs. You earn money every month from the people connected to one matrix.

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Kim Hui long about her life. And how to seccide!

Make your own emotion! As she done!

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