I was born in 1944, my name is Leif Rehnvall,
I live in Mora
Grönängen 121
792 94 Mora
I have been involved in network marketing since 1997. Financially not with great success. But I know the systems very well. Through my own health, I have had to learn a lot about which products the body really needs.
My goal is to give you a chance to choose good products based on the economy you live with. But also give you an opportunity to earn money. Help your friends do the same things!

Many tried professions!
Machine electrician, Photographer, Bus driver +

 Jag är född 1944 heter Leif Rehnvall, bor i Mora,

Grönängen 121
792 94 Mora
Jag har sedan 1997 sysslat med nätverksmarknadsföring. Ekonomiskt inte med stora succéer. Men jag kan systemen väldigt väl. Har genom min egen hälsa varit tvungen att lära mig en hel del om vilka produkter som kroppen verkligen har behov av.
Mitt mål är att ge dig en chans av att välja bra produkter utifrån vilken ekonomi du lever med. Men också ge dig en möjlighet att tjäna pengar. Hjälpa dina vänner att göra samma saker!

Många prövade yrken!
Maskinelektriker, Fotograf, Bussförare +





As a photographer, I'm used to focusing on one thing! Many networkers talk about their focus on what they work with. But as a photographer, I can also see that I can miss the best subject. Move on myself and focus on the object! But first take the picture where I was, to use later. Maybe go back for more pictures.
Another expression that I like to adopt is that it is stupid to have all the candy in one bag. If it breaks, you might lose everything.


Som fotograf är jag van att sätta fokus på en sak! Många nätverkare pratar om sina fokus på det dom jobbar med. Men som fotograf kan jag då också se att jag kan missar det bästa motivet. Flytta på mig själv och fokus på objektet! Men först ta bilden där jag var, för att använda senare. Kanske gå tillbaka för fler bilder.
Ett annat uttryck som jag gärna anammar, det är att det är dumt att ha all godis i en påse. Går den sönder förlorar du kanske allt.

I will introduce you to different companies to buy from and if there is interest, work with. Are your finances under pressure?! I know how it is! Then you want cheap, good products that you can trust!
Don't you have money to start a star business? But can afford $50
Enter as free! But sure that you very soon will be an active member as interest in QuiAri
  is that company I set to number ONE a simple products who really provet give results!
Make it and get two partners to work with.
If you have the finances to buy more revolutionary products at higher prices, I have a couple of good alternatives. Both good for general health, the immune system. Of course you earn better! But if you can have several balls in the air at the same time, then the profit is increased, a low start can give more in the long run! Opportunity to hit it big!
Jag kommer att presentera er olika företag att handla av och om intresse finns, jobba med. Är din ekonomi pressad?! Jag vet hur det är! Då önskar du billiga bra produkter, som du kan lita på!
Har du inte pengar att starta en stjärnbusiness. Men har råd med 50$! Gå in som gratis! Men säker på att du mycket snart kommer att vara en aktiv medlem som intresse för är det företaget jag satt till nummer ETT enkla produkter som verkligen visar sig ge resultat! Energi och vikt!
Har du ekonomi att köpa mer revolutionerande produkter till högre priser har jag ett par bra alternativ. Båda bra för allmänhälsan, immunförsvaret. Givetvis tjänar man bättre! Men kan du ha flera bollar i luften samtidigt, då ökas vinsten, låg start kan ge mer på sikt! Möjlighet att slå på stort!


My personal Sponsor
and friend for years!

The owner of the company
Allso owner of Talk Fusion my first contact.
One of the best networker in the World

Kicki Hollvaster

Bob Reina

Dave Lear

Kick and I have been friends and partner in more than 20 years. She is my sponsor and mentor in this company. We have more interest together to. But just now we put all our energy at company. We have got the two here beside to support us all over the world. Special make the start in Sweden, Scandi-i-navian and Europe, means that you are welcome to join, and be a part of our team!

My first meeting with Bob was in:

That was for 20 years ago.

Today it's all about the company
Get payed i 5 minutes
look here
My way to explaine it
Find your products for get power in your body and if you need losing wight find that product

MLM Industry Legend, Dave Lear Excited To Join

Top MLM Leaders, like Dave Lear from Salisbury, Maryland, are no longer standing by and observing QuiAri’s success and instead taking action by joining. Dave has already achieved success as a QuiAri Promoter and is now setting the foundation to make QuiAri his MLM forever home.
You can read more here!

QuiAri Legacy Builders

More information about Payed in 5 min Here
För er med svenska som språk, gå in och få information, som ni har glädje av här.
Svenska betald på 5 minuter

Allso in our team!

Minh And Julie Ho

Minh And Julie Ho Listed As Top Industry Earners On BFH


Reaching QuiAri’s top rank of Crown Purple Diamond is a huge accomplishment in itself, but Promoters, Minh and Julie Ho have taken success to the next level. They have recently been listed as one of Business For Home’s “Top Industry Earners.” Their advice to Promoters who would like to join them: Work hard and follow the Duplication Nation Playbook.

“It is a true honor to be one of the MLM industry’s Top Earners. Much of our success is from believing in our Founder & CEO, Bob Reina’s vision from the very beginning. Joining early changed our lives, however, the best time to be part of QuiAri is right now. We have more benefits, resources, and momentum than any other time in our company history.”– Minh and Julie Ho.

Read about Minh and Julie on our Blog and BFH:




Kicki is my sponsor. Sending this to me in Swedish.

Julie Ho och hennes man Minh är upline to Dave och Dave är min sponsor. Detta är mycket bra nyheter. Jag såg att Julie Ho vacinbjuden i våran fb grupp. De hjälper oss
personligen. Bob har bett de fokusera sin tid på Daves team = oss

Julie Ho and her husband Minh are upline to Dave and Dave is my sponsor. This is very good news. I saw that Julie Ho was invited to our FB group. They help us personally. Bob has asked them to focus their time on Dave's team = us


Supercraft barry

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